2/17/25 is a Postal Holiday - Boxes shipped USPS and Ground Advantage will not be delivered and will not be moving in transit on 2/17/25
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Batik Instructions with Soy Wax

Batik Instructions for Soy Wax by Colorado Wholesale Dye Corp. 

This is a simple set of instructions for using soy wax with pipettes, intended for beginners or anyone who wants to 'dip their toes' into Batik. The traditional way to Batik is with a reusable batik pen, or what is called a Tjanting Tool. This method won't work with other waxes as they have higher melting points and require other methods of wax removal. We prefer Soy Wax because of the low melting point and ease of removal compared to waxes such as Paraffin wax and Bee's wax. 

What you need:
                       -Soy Wax                   -Pipettes                           -Dye                              -Dye Fixer (Soda Ash)

1. Melt the wax. Soy wax has a low melting point so it can be melted in a simple double boiler with some hot water.

2. Either ‘Freehand’ or using a stencil, apply the wax to your fabric using a pipette. Be careful with your design! When melted, soy wax flows very freely. Use caution and gloves as the Pipette will get hot from the wax and you don’t want to get burned!

Tip: If your fabric is a T-shirt, or a folded piece of fabric, make sure to put cardboard or something else between the fabric. Otherwise, the wax will soak through and create a resist on the other side of the fabric as well

3. Wait for the wax to dry completely.

4. Soak the fabric in dye fixer. Use warm water, but not too hot. If the water is to hot it could re-melt the wax and ruin your design. Wring the dye fixer out of the fabric and follow normal tie dye instructions.

5. Rinse the fabric under COLD running water. Hot water will prematurely wash out the wax! Keep rinsing until the water is flowing clear and all the loose dye is washed out.

6. When all the loose dye is rinsed out run the fabric under HOT running water. This will melt the wax and wash it away from the fabric. Do NOT rub the wax to help get it off, this will just spread the wax around and muddy up the design. Let the hot water run over it and it will all wash away.
DO NOT WASH WAX DOWN THE DRAIN. Wax can cause similar damage to flushing oil down a drain. It is recommended to wash the wax with a filter to catch loose wax, or into a vessel that will not directly flush wax down a drain.  

7. When the wax is completely removed from the fabric, follow normal tie-dye washout instructions - wash and dry the fabric until there is no loose dye coming off the fabric.